Monday, January 16, 2006

The Big ONOFF Switch -- It Is Kaput

They may hate each other but they do have at least one thing in common…

Read in the paper the other day (don’t remember which one or where but I read it so I know that shit’s true) about how USMAC-IRAQ is fueling the beef between the nationalist, straight-up anti-American, we-may-be-Muslims-but-we-don’t-want-to-sell-our-asses-to-the-Ayatollah insurgents and the hard-core, 70-virgins-in-the-Great-Beyond, I Heart Osama insurgents, and it made me think what a great fucking idea this is. Why start a civil war with a US pull-out when we can start one RIGHT NOW while we’ve still got 150-grand worth of boots in the sand? Draw-down? Draw-down some nuts in your mouth, you hippy faggots. We got front-row seats to the Mass Murder Spectacular. We’re quarterback for both teams in the world’s most dangerous pick-up game – what happens when they decide they don’t want us to play anymore for real? What happens if they decide that the time to settle their shit is AFTER they settle ours and they start working together to kill us? Not that they haven’t been hitting it from all sides the entire time but they spend a lot of energy on this whole Shia v. Sunni v. Kurd v. Yer Mama v. Whoeverthefuck tug-of-war. What happens if that energy becomes focused, coordinated, a reason to get along if only for a while? I mean, it’s a stretch – they’re some tribal motherfuckers and the grudges they got don’t recognize lines on a map. But why push’em? Do the geniuses at the Pentagram really think they’re going to be able to run it down the middle without paying for it in bodies? Do they think Kay-Da’s gonna run out of guys? Do they really think we can beat these people with Predator drones and bunker busters and hi-tech ray-guns, that our technology and know-how and gung-ho can-do corn-fed Democractic Ideology is really gonna cut it? See ya in ten years… See ya in a hundred… Never happen… Doesn’t matter when we pull the plug, sandbox is still gonna be the sandbox and whoever’s in charge will be whoever was gonna be in charge anyway and chances are it won't be Rummy's first choice...


Wish I could shut this shit off… Think, think, over-think, think again, twice, fast, on your feet, outside the box, before you speak, before you act, of all the people living for today, of the tender things that we were working on, about puppies or flowers or little brown babies with fistfuls of chicle something nice for a change jesus you’re driving me crazy… Can’t stop the intake or the output, the ebb or tide. Nothing left for it but to ride the wave until it crests and settles on soft sandy shores stretching away into desert and sky and purple mountains majesty. Mothers can’t wait to get in, lining up for miles, swimming, rafting, flying, crawling, waiting, hell yeah we’ll go, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, coyote, Chinese captain, traders, trappers, the Tong, mules, mulas, Minutemen, inner tubes, test tubes, grow your own or import it’s really up to you. A winning ticket in the Great Ocean Lottery, suitcases filled with cocaine, Yanqui dreams of a thousand future small businesses, Open Anytime We Deliver 24-7 Camels 2 for $5 Minute Maid Orange Juice 32 oz. 4.99 Regular 278 No Bill Larger Than $20 Amerikkka the Booteefull Land of Rape and Money Coming Soon To A Theater of Operations Near You. Don’t worry about jumping the pond or the river or the line in the sand just get a job behind the wire at the closest Disneyland and it'll be like you been here all along…


Blogger Middle Child said...

What the hell is going on with the world I imagined existed till I was about 12... now 51... faster and faster, harder, crueller all the while its all counched in weasel words meant to disguise whats going on but which only fool the truly stupid or the truly clever... who choose to be fooled... my kids and even youngesters of 15 say its going too fast... its crazy.

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I love your shit, and not just because I love you. I slubber it up from a rusty spoon and digest it and seperate the vitamines from the toxins and when it's time to dump my own hump a doodles it comes out assimilated like a preaching crowd of fellating foxfive viewers. However, try to spread out the

3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spread out the intensity a bit. Sometimes it's like swallowing a polar bear's liver.

3:28 AM  

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