Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Man, it is shit like this...



American Marines are a proud, tough bunch. They expect to be sent into the most dangerous battles and expect enemy fighters to come at them with everything they have. But they also expect, and have every right to expect, the Pentagon to provide them with the most effective armor available to maximize their chances of staying alive and in one piece. An investigative article in Saturday's New York Times by Michael Moss makes painfully clear that the Pentagon has let these brave warriors down.

A secret Defense Department study reveals that more extensive armor, of a kind available since 2003, could have saved the lives of some 80 percent of the Marines killed by upper body wounds in Iraq between 2003 and 2005. That amounts to scores of needlessly lost lives - hundreds of Army deaths attributable to inadequate armor are counted as well. The ceramic armor plates in question cost about $260 a set.

Marines in the field have been clamoring for additional body armor (and vehicle armor) almost since the Iraq war began. Military officials initially turned them down because of concerns that the added weight might constrict movement. Once the study results came in last summer, Marine Corps leaders belatedly reversed themselves and started speeding armor to the troops.

Still, as of last month, less than 10 percent of the 28,000 sets of armor plates on order had actually reached the Marines in Iraq.

Similar delays have plagued deliveries of improved vehicle armor. And the much larger Army contingent in Iraq has faced even more extensive delays.

The Pentagon buys some truly wondrous space-age weaponry with its half-trillion-dollar annual budgets. If the Cold War ever resumes, the American military will certainly be prepared. Meantime, surely enough spare change can be found in that vast budget to accelerate deliveries of lifesaving armor to the Marines and soldiers coming under fire today, and every day, in Iraq.

Nice, huh?

Dear American Soldier,
Thanks for signing up and volunteering your strong, young American body and mind for the ready defense of your country. In honor of your sacrifice, I decided the least I could do would be to send you to fight with about half the shit you need including, but not limited to, armor for your body and trucks and enough guys to get the job done. Never mind that I’ve managed to totally fuck this up from the get-go and I’ve got you playing super-cop in the middle of some bullshit 1,000-year-old Islamic pissing match. You just need to get out there and catch a few for the folks back home and stop bitching about getting out. If you have any problems, please feel free to go fuck yourself.
Uncle Sam

I know it’s nothing new to the guys on the ground but I wonder sometimes how clear it is to Carl & Cindy Citizen watching some CNN crawl during Anderson Cooper about another (or two or a dozen) American soldier getting killed that what we as a country, with all of our yellow ribbons and flappin’ flags and heartfelt speeches, are doing to our own soldiers is so fucked up, it defies logic. Soldiers from the dawn of time are used to getting the shit end of the stick but does that make it okay for us as civilians to say, “Eh, they knew what they were getting into. They’re tough, right? Shit, they probably love it. Gettin’ to fight in a real war? Man, they’re lucky is what they are. Armor’s for pussies. American boys don’t need armor. They’ve got DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, and LITTLE BABY JESUS on their side. Towelhead motherfuckers don’t stand a chance. Get some, Johnny... Let's do Italian, honey. I'm so over Chinese. What's on the Tivo? Did you tape Bachelor?"

It doesn't matter if you voted for Bush or Kerry or Kermit the Frog, whether you hate this lousy war or love it like a sister, if you want to blow Osama up or suck him off -- we, as citizens of The Great Satan Five-Ought, are all dirty on this thing. Just because you didn't want it doesn't mean you don't own it. As if it's not bad enough those fuckheads in Washington Dee Cee are doing this shit in the first place, they're doing it in such fine fubar fashion as to NEEDLESSLY LET OUR GUYS DIE SO THEY CAN SAVE A FEW BUCKS. But fear not, Patriotic American, I'm sure they'll pass that savings right onto you as a loyal customer.

We should have our SUV-driving, WalMart-shopping, Starbucks latte-drinking, Sunday-Times-in-the-park-hey-you-wanna-see-the-new-Brad-Pitt-movie-I-heard-its-awesome asses kicked for allowing this shit to go on like it has. Through our collective inertia and apathy, we've let the single most important event of our decade become page 10 news.

Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with this country?

Check out my friend Leon's video clips (Leon's Reportages under LINKS). I love him, the crazy Dutch bastard...
You have to check out the Week in Review at Harper's.org


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow you have fans now! no groupies though allowed ;)

love you xoxo

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow..look at all your fans!! so proud of you! but no groupies allowed man! xoxo

6:54 PM  

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